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The U.S. government administration has employed many of these tactics against myself personally @

“It has been said that when you’re first targeted, they hit you hard in multiple directions.

Presumably, this is done so you’ll collapse after experiencing recurrent emotional violence, which is compounded after you’ve realized that all normal support structures and avenues of grievance address and relief have been removed. There appears to be multiple levels of intensity of this program that people can receive. The two main parts of the program are group stalking and Non-lethal Weapons (NLW). Both are violent attacks. And some are apparently hit hard with both.

People tend to associate the word harassment with acts of temporary aggravation or pestering. Therefore, it may not be the proper word to describe the never-ending acts of covert violence inflicted upon targeted people, which amounts to torture and murder. Some of the tactics used in these programs are borderline-subliminal, which is why they are so difficult to detect, explain, and defend against.

Most of these tactics have been used in former Cointelpro operations by the United States, Russia, and Germany against their civilian population

This hidden evil’s genesis is obviously derived from known tactics such as bogus investigations, surveillance, smear campaigns, the use of noise, thefts, break-ins, character assassination, staged accidents, framings, sabotage and vandalism, mail interference, blacklisting, citizen informant squads for overt surveillance (Gang Stalking), poisoning and drugging, incarceration into prisons and mental institutions, and electromagnetic weaponry.

It is a historical fact that the U.S. has officially targeted its civilian population on multiple occasions. Programs such as MKULTRA and Cointelpro cannot be denied.

“The methods reportedly employed in these harassment campaigns,” explained McKinney, “bear a striking resemblance to those attributed to the CIA and FBI during Operations MKULTRA, MKCHAOS, and COINTELPRO.”

In Germany these methods were contained in two programs, Zersetzung and Directive Perceptions.

They were basically German versions of Cointelpro. Zersetzung was developed to destroy a targeted person’s inner-self. During an interview on the Republic Broadcasting Network, Dr. Munzert, a German target, drew a parallel between the current program, and what occurred in East Germany.

He explains,

“In Germany this is called Zersetzung and this means the dissolution or disintegration of the targeted person.”

In Stasiland (2003), Anna Funder writes,

“The German word Zersetzung is harsh, and has no direct English equivalent.” She described, “Zersetzung, as a concept, involves the annihilation of the inner-self.”

It calls for,

“[The] targeted spreading of rumours about particular persons with the aid of anonymous [means]… making compromising situations for them by creating confusion over the facts… [and] the engendering of hysterical and depressive behaviors in the target person.”

“Directive Perceptions,” she continued, was another program designed to “develop apathy (in the [targeted] subject)… to achieve a situation in which his conflicts, whether of a social, personal, career, health or political kind are irreversible… to give rise to fears in him… to develop/create disappointments… to restrict his talents or capabilities… to reduce his capacity to act and… to harness dissentions and contradictions around him…”

These directives were used by the Ministry for State Security (MfS) against threats to state security. In other words, they were massively used on the population to maintain a dictatorship.

These programs were designed to secretly destroy a target’s personal and professional life, ruin them financially, and prevent them from reaching their potential, with the intention to produce irreversible depressive and panic-stricken behaviors. What this hidden evil appears to be, is a combination of various Cointelpro operations used by oppressive regimes on their civilian population. It has been refined and deployed globally.

Mental Health System

The mental health system is apparently being used worldwide to discredit targeted people who complain.

According to the book, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, by Gordon Thomas, countries around the world, including the U.S., have used doctors to help abuse and discredit people, often for political reasons. It is also a documented fact that there was collaboration between doctors and the military when experiments were carried out in prisons, hospitals, and universities on unwitting people in North America.

McKinney states that medical doctors, as well as psychiatrist and psychologists appear to be providing cover for this program.

This is similar to what was done in Russia, where enemies of the dictatorship would be thrown into mental institutions and drugged beyond recovery.

“The APA’s refusal to acknowledge the impact of terrorization upon the human psyche, even given the publicity stemming from the Church Committee’s findings in 1975, raises serious questions about the validity of psychiatry as a profession in this country,” declared McKinney, “not to mention, the APA’s ethical intent, in the long term.”

The DSM is a diagnostic manual for identifying mental disorders.

The first edition of the DSM was released in 1952 at a time when the APA was under the control of Dr. Ewen Cameron, who would commit brutal government-sponsored torture under the MKULTRA program. Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, wrote an article entitled, Microwave Mind Control: Modern Torture and Control Mechanisms Eliminating Human Rights and Privacy.

In it she described,

“The Psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) for mental disorders,” as a “brilliant cover up operation in 18 languages to hide the atrocities of military and intelligence agencies’ actions towards their targets.”

Dr. Kilde says the manual,

“lists all mind control actions as signs of paranoid schizophrenia,” and that “all medical schools teach their students that the person is paranoid, ESPECIALLY if he believes intelligence agencies are behind it all.”

Finally she proclaims,

“Never is the medical profession told that these are routine actions all over the world by intelligence agencies against their targets.”

Dr. Munzert said that doctors,

“first think of paranoia and schizophrenia” if someone complains of this program.

He cautions that because of this, “victims” could end up in a “lunatic asylum.”

Annie Earle, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and Board Certified Diplomat in her area of expertise, has over 25 years of psychotherapy experience as an independent practitioner. When referring to the DSM during an interview on the Republic Broadcasting Network, she stated,

“It’s called the Diagnostic Statistical Manual… [and all] psychotherapists, regardless of specialty are required to give their patients a diagnosis from this manual, and in order to get the diagnosis you have to fulfill certain criteria that is clearly spelled out in the DSM.”

Earle noticed a pattern unfolding when some of the people who came to her did not fit the standard criteria.

“The patients that started coming to me really did not fit any of the standard classifications,” she explained.

“For example, they might be having what some people consider a psychotic or schizophrenic breakdown in that they might report what seem to be hallucinations, but they did not have any of the other criteria that goes along with schizophrenia. There are many criteria that one is required to… [detect] in making the diagnosis of schizophrenia, and these people did not meet all that criteria.”

The DSM appears to have been created with a loophole which allows government-sponsored harassment programs to exist.

This was evidently done so that people will appear ill when explaining this to a mental health professional. Adding to this confusion, the program itself is designed to mimic mental illness when explained to those “not-in-the-know.”

Mental health professionals may also participate in this program, wittingly or unwittingly by labeling targets as mentally ill. It is one of several layers of protection used to help keep this program operating in secrecy.

Character Assassination

Targets usually experience character assassination which is done to destroy their personal and professional life.

Half-truths and lies are often strategically spread into their lives, and may be the basis for a bogus investigation. The rumors circulated about people are apparently not petty, but shocking and repulsive. They are CIA or Stasi-type life-damaging lies. Some of the people spreading these lies may be acquaintances and/or family members that have been recruited (lied to, psychologically manipulated, intimidated and blackmailed) into becoming informants.

U.S. Federal law enforcement has used these tactics to destroy people they either wanted to recruit as informants or those they knew they couldn’t recruit and just wanted to destroy.

According to former CIA psychologist James Keehner,

“It was planned destructiveness. First, you’d check to see if you could destroy a man’s marriage. If you could, then that would be enough to put a lot of stress on that individual, to break him down. Then you might start a rumor campaign against him. Harass him constantly.”

Constant harassment, planned destructiveness, character assassination, destroying relationships, all done in concert with the goal of breaking someone down are a standard part of this program.

Reportedly, the usual rumors spread about a person are that they are a pedophile, prostitute, terrorist, racist, anti-government, mentally ill, drug addict, drug dealer, or a threat to “national security.” They are often spread to neighbors, friends, family, employers, etc. A major effort is spent to separate a person from their friends and families.

Apparently these rumor campaigns aid in recruitment.

Dr. Rauni Kilde wrote,

“Deception is the name of the game, so recruits are told untrue sinister stories of their victims to keep them motivated.”

According to CNN, the Stasi used the exact same tactics. They stated,

“The agency was authorized to conduct secret smear campaigns against anyone it judged to be a threat…”

The Russian KGB too, with its massive network of informants, would slander their internal targets.

These rumors may be propagated by multiple people (informants) behind a target’s back. Apparently, not letting a targeted person become aware of these rumors is essential to their effectiveness.

Victor Santoro noted in his book, Gaslighting: How to Drive Your Enemies Crazy, that,

“The essence of defaming your target with rumors is that it not get back to him.”

The organizers realize that labeling someone a pedophile will be highly damaging and produce optimum leverage for gaining community support. It is probably one of the worst rumors you could launch against someone. The Stasi would destroy the character of their targets by labeling them as pedophiles. 

There have been multiple magazine and newspaper reports of people accused of pedophilia being harassed by neighbors and vigilante groups to the point where they are driven out of communities and forced out of work. Some have been driven out of multiple states.

Character assassination is standard. My research leads me to conclude that it is not beyond these people to masquerade as “concerned citizens” and call local officials to register destructive complaints about a targeted person. I’m fairly certain they do this.

This type of “community service” can be very damaging, especially when the complaints originate from multiple, seemingly unconnected sources.”

The Movie “The LIves of Others” is about life in 1989 Stasi Germany.

Author: treebear

Looking for those serious about mystic enlightenment, transcendental evolution, and the synergetic fountain of physical regeneration/immortality...

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